January 2025

All is fair in Love and War.

My Body is my temple, my body is my art.
I hold this sacred.
While Israel was weak, David was strong.
Fear Gods chosen, Fear Gods chosen leaders.
December 2024

God inspires you to look upwards.
The devils inspires you to look down.
The American Republican Party is weak.
The American Democratic Party are liars.
That’s not even the half of it.
One candidate is beyond the system.
The other is part of the system.
My vote, if I were to, is an easy one to make.
A house with no locks has no residents, merely visitors at will.
If your country has no people, than the whole world can call it home.
America, my love, stand tall.
You can punish those you love, this truly means it’s unconditional.

If need be, ruthless
If need be, merciful
Guvavelli , C*
I don’t want to be followed or idolized. I am a son of God.
I’ve been granted eternal life. I am at peace. Thanks to my God. My Lord.
An artist is only understood when time passes between statements.
Science is the language of God.
Music is the language of God.
Great art comes from poverty of resources but a wealth in spirit.
Guv givem till it’s done.
Mystique is a lie. Mystery comes from how you express not silence.
Reinvent. Never Repeat.
I repent to my Lord our creator.
I am Gods people.

ladies love a Guv
Have the discipline of a purist and the flexibility of a gymnast.
Under no circumstances have drugs been an influence in my work. I was raised around addiction. Substance abuse is a demonic curse. Unless it leaves your ritual, you will never be free. Thus why I never let them in my temple.
God sends me my artistic visions. As clear and vivid in every moment of inspiration. Once activated through the creative process, and with some time passing, I awake from the haze of the process and become unable to remember how the ideas came to be. It is a mystery and frankly a gift.

Apollo FM Broadcast numero 4, many more…. Many many more…

In a state of complete disregard for all antagonism.
I am free.
Guv translation: stepons gone, no trace
I haven’t the slightest clue as to why Hollywood doesn’t just cut to the chase and only create pornography/murder films. They’re on track to only invest in what attracts the most eyes. The pure essence of the art form is out of the window. Why do they bother with their masquerade? Create train wrecks and snuff films, their beating around the bush. If sex and violence sells, than only produce that in which pushes you closer to your goal of maximizing profit.

The unavoidable revelatory nature of the word of God given to Abraham’s people is beautiful. You are a fool to deny the divine. I respect no man who is blind to creation. You are lost. It is what it is.
Hebrews 2:1
So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it.
Once who you are has been shown, you must be without apology. It is merely fate as to your light being discovered. From the candle to the sun.
Let it be, never unseen
1 Samuel 17:51
Therefore David ran and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.